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Make your project the content of your Master’s program in M.Sc. in Project Studies – flexible alongside your career – even without a Bachelor’s degree!

Degree: Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Project Studies

Registration deadline: 10.10.2024 | Type of service: 15.11.2024

  • Only 1 year of study
  • No Bachelor required
  • Ideal for professionals
  • Study your own topic
  • Internationally recognised degree
  • Low tuition fees

Do you want to increase your chances of professional success and get off to a strong start with a Master’s degree? Do you need a degree that can be optimally integrated into your everyday working life? Maybe you don’t even have a Bachelor’s degree yet? Then you are just right with us!

Complete your Master’s degree with us by systematically developing and implementing a practical or conceptual project of your choice e.g. artificial intelligence and AI transformation!

This Master’s degree provides you with the necessary knowledge and skills to prepare your projects professionally and implement them successfully in practice.

Our modern study model enables you to complete your Master’s degree within one year in a flexible full-time program. The experts from Triagon will guide you through the entire project planning and implementation process. They will teach you a culture of self-confidence, autonomy and responsibility, which is key to successfully achieving your project goals.

Your advantages with us: Whether you have a traditional Bachelor’s degree or a professional degree, you can start the Master in Project Studies with us with any qualification at level 6 according to the European Qualifications Framework (EQF).
In addition, due to the project-based focus, the course is largely oriented towards your interests and needs from professional practice!

All our degree programmes are accredited, internationally recognised and bologna-compliant.


Degree: Master of Science in Project Studies
Duration of study: 2 semesters (12 months)
European Credit Transfer: 90 ECTS credits
Studymodel: Full-time – Can be optimally combined with work
Study concept:
  • Online studies with e-learning and webinars via our learning platform
Seal of quality: Accreditation by the MFHEA
Tuition fees: 7,920 € (flexible payment models possible)


What is the Master of Science in Project Studies about?

A successful project is based on several components. Careful planning, clear objectives, proper communication, adequate budget as well as compliance with time limits are  essential.

This programme of study will systematically prepare you to create research-based diagnosis to problems related to the design and implementation of a specific project by integrating knowledge from the respective field of study and autonomously produce appropriate judgment with limited or incomplete information. Such competence is key for future professionals who want to advance in their careers and contribute towards a specific profession, be it Science, Humanities Technology, Social Science or Economics.

The exciting thing about this degree program: Through interdisciplinary strategies, you can contribute your expert knowledge to almost any professional practice.

In addition, you will acquire the ability to assess  conceptual and practical project implementation methods while ensuring the sustainability of your project. Through the knowledge acquired from both the theoretical and practical elements of this programme, you will be able  to make professional decisions in the most effective and efficient way.

During the course of your Master’s studies,  we will teach you all  the professional skills and soft skills required to prepare you for any possible progression in your career.

Register now for your Master of Science in Project Studies at the TRIAGON Academy !

Expert opinion

“In today’s world, being innovative and creative will put you in a far better position than any other individual who fosters a more traditional corporate culture. Thanks to the interdisciplinary course of study with a conceptual or practical project focus, our graduates are excellently equipped for the requirements of the globalized labor market. The Master of Science by Project is a unique opportunity that allow students to undertake an enquiry into a topic of his or her own choice and, based on this enquiry, develops an extended original project which can lead to an extremely positive impact to a specific sector.”
Glen Farrugia

Expert opinion

“In today’s world, being innovative and creative will put you in a far better position than any other individual who fosters a more traditional corporate culture. Thanks to the interdisciplinary course of study with a conceptual or practical project focus, our graduates are excellently equipped for the requirements of the globalized labor market. The Master of Science by Project is a unique opportunity that allow students to undertake an enquiry into a topic of his or her own choice and, based on this enquiry, develops an extended original project which can lead to an extremely positive impact to a specific sector.”
Glen Farrugia

Recognition and Accreditation of the Study Programme

Triagon is a Higher Education Institution with international accreditation. Our institution meets the European Standards and Guidelines (ESG).

This has been confirmed by the distinguished German accreditation agency ACQUIN, which is a full member of EQAR. The programme accreditation and the institutional accreditation were granted in full and without any conditions.

In addition, all degree programmes are accredited by the Malta Further and Higher Education Authority (MFHEA), at levels 6 (Bachelor), 7 (Master) and 8 (Doctorate) of the Malta Qualifications Framework (MQF) and the European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning (EQF) respectively.

All Triagon degrees are internationally recognised and strictly adhere to the standards and requirements for higher education laid out in the Bologna Process. All study programmes offered by Triagon enable students to pursue further studies (e.g. a Master's degree or a doctorate) on an international level.

Flexible mix of synchronous and asynchronous learning

Our virtual learning concept is based on a mix  of asynchronous online content and virtual face-to-face live seminars

During your studies, you can expect:

  • Online learning platform for your self-study
  • Extensive online library
  • Virtual Classrooms
  • Case study-based learning
  • Own project work

You can flexibly combine the Master of Science in Project Studies with your job and family.

Our study concept takes into account the special requirements of current industrial and sectoral needs. A large part of the practice-oriented coursework is aimed at the application of theoretical knowledge and methods in your professional practice.  We also keep an  eye on your personal development.  This is strengthened by learning and reflection techniques, your exchange with fellow students and your individual support.  In doing so, we rely on supervision and study coaching.

In all modules, virtual  classrooms and interactive teaching methods are  offered  via our online learning platform. In this way, you train your key competencies and deepen your professional content.

For the supervision of your project work or if necessary a personal coaching, you can  arrange individual appointments with your tutors at any time  . Your Master’s degree is flexible and adapts ideally to your life.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our student advisory service at any time – we will help you!

Course of study and contents of the Master in Project Studies

The program focuses on the areas of creative project development and project implementation. This program comprises three teaching modules, which you complete one after the other. To successfully complete your studies, you will independently plan, develop and implement a project of your choice.

In the first teaching module, you will independently conceive, design and carry out a substantive investigation into the design and evaluation of the feasibility of practical projects, appropriate to the field in which your project is located – either humanities, social sciences, economics, natural sciences or technology. This module provides you with the necessary skills and competencies to independently transfer scientifically sound knowledge into practice.

The second teaching module focuses on current international developments in the field of project management. The content is based on specific case studies that aim to cover your field of study. This module provides you with the necessary knowledge, skills and competencies required to manage and successfully implement a project.
Your learning content: You will apply the core principles of project management and project implementation.

Finally, in the third teaching module, you will engage in theoretical studies in your field. This module includes discussions of a representative range of theories commonly found in the arts and humanities, social sciences and economics, or science and technology. These theories are examined through a critical evaluation of research and project work. The focus is on the independent solution of specific problems in project development.

Basic skills that you acquire in the Master in Project Studies

  • Professional and action research, presentation & discussion of views, trends & possibilities
  • Application of various models for the planning & development of practical or conceptual projects
  • Competent use of communication media (especially digital channels to promote projects)

Your modules:

1. Advanced research methods

In this module you will design and conduct empirical research independently. In this way, you will learn to design and evaluate the feasibility of a practical project. The research refers, depending on the chosen focus, to a project in the field of natural sciences, technology, humanities, social sciences or economics.

Your learning objectives:

  • Ability to translate research elements into practical projects
  • Demonstration of own competencies
  • Application of research skills & execution of data analysis
  • Understanding the complexity of conducting project research
  • Research Skills & Communication Skills
  • Critical assessment capability

2. Project implementation and management

This module focuses on current international developments in the field of project management and project implementation.  
In terms of content, it is based on specific case studies of your chosen project focus.

Your learning objectives:

  • Knowledge, skills and competences for the implementation of specific projects
  • Core principles of project management
  • Effective management strategies for project development
  • Analysis of one’s own behavior during project implementation

3. Theoretical Studies in The Arts and Humanities (Elective to choose one out of three)

In order to  provide you with comprehensive interdisciplinary knowledge, this module focuses on theories and methods of the arts and humanities. In terms of content, you will discuss and research theories that are often found in the arts and humanities.

Your learning objectives (as part of modules 3-5):

  • Research & assessment of subject-specific theories
  • Critical evaluation of research and project work
  • Solving specific project development challenges
  • Verfassen Tools Forschungsaufsatzes

4. Theoretical studies in science and technology (Elective to choose one out of three)

In order to build up your knowledge repertoire, you will deal with representative theories  of science and technology in this module.  The aim is to provide you with knowledge, skills and competences in relation  to scientific and technical theories and methods.

Your learning objectives (as part of modules 3-5):

  • Research & assessment of subject-specific theories
  • Critical evaluation of research and project work
  • Solving specific project development challenges
  • Verfassen Tools Forschungsaufsatzes

5. Theoretical Studies in Social and Economic Sciences (Elective to choose one out of three)

In this module you will acquire knowledge and experience with regard to social and economic theories and methods.

Your learning objectives (as part of modules 3-5)::

  • Research & assessment of subject-specific theories
  • Critical evaluation of research and project work
  • Solving specific project development challenges
  • Verfassen Tools Forschungsaufsatzes

6. Final Project

With your acquired key competences, you will be able  to design  a comprehensive project proposal and carry out a practical project of  your choice independently.

Your project proposal should  include the following elements:

  • Scientific literature on your chosen project
  • Development, management and implementation methodology
  • Schedule

Of course, you will be  supported individually in supervisionssitzungen  during the  entire course of the project.
 You  will finally  present the results of your project as part of an academic project report.


How to complete the Master in Project Studies

According to the requirements of the modern business world, the Master in Project Studies is  initially a purely online/ virtiual face-to-face course of study. So you can flexibly participate in all courses, no matter where you are.

To ensure optimal learning conditions, you will have round-the-clock access to our modern online learning platform with a comprehensive online library.  This gives you access to scientific articles that you  can use for your studies.

The online courses are supplemented by virtual face-to-face events where you can meet your fellow students, exchange ideas with your lecturers and receive specialist input.

Target group and personal requirements

Would you like to know whether the Master in Project Studies is a good fit for you?  The following characteristics are helpful prerequisites for your studies with us:

  • You identify yourself with responsible activities
  • You are passionate about leadership tasks, problem identification & decision-making
  • You have good self- and time management
  • Organization is your strength
  • You are open to learning through self-reflection, analysis, feedback & supervision
  • Your English skills are at a good level (globalized working environment)

The Master in Project Studies is a consecutive course of study for Bachelor graduates. But a lateral entry is also possible – if you have another degree or professional experience, just contact us.

Your studies at TRIAGON – as flexibel as your life

In developing our study program, we have taken into account that  life circumstances change over time. That’s why with the Master in Project Studies we offer you the opportunity to adapt your studies to your life. Studying at TRIAGON is easy at any age as well as with a family. Barrier-free study is of course also possible with us.

For further information and an individual consultation, please contact us at any time.

Your study programme tasks at a glance

Through the competences offered by this programme, you will become expert in the implementation of projects. You define the project framework, document the planning, organize the implementation and are also responsible for financial resources.  

The Master in Project Studies provides you with important leadership skills and valuable know-how about time management and advanced problem solving.  Communication will be your strength.


  • Project definition
  • Project organization
  • Communication
  • Leadership of teams
  • Project planning and implementation
  • Project Controlling & Documentation
  • Creation of technical analyses

Your future prospects as a graduate of the Master in Project Studies

Since the topic  of project management is of essential importance  for almost every company  , there are  excellent opportunities on the job market for graduates of  the  Masters in Project Studies.  For professionally trained project managers, there are numerous career options.

Which career opportunities you have  with your completed studies, you can see here on a blick:

  • Project Associate
  • Project Manager
  • Creative Programmes Officer
  • Creative Programmes Manager
  • CCI Service Entrepreneur
  • EU Funds Project Manager
  • Policy Officer

Admission requirements

For admission to  the Master in Project Studies, the Maltese regulations apply:

    • An MQF/EQF level 6 full qualification obtained from a recognised College/Institute/University in Science or Technology Humanities, Social Sciences or Economics (depending on the field of study/project the learner chooses to focus)
    • Applicants who are not native English speakers are required to provide evidence of English fluency equivalent to an IELTS of 6

For you this means:

  • Level 6 qualification according to the European Qualifications Framework (EQF)
    in the field of the desired project e.g. Bachelor or Professional degree required
  • English language skills (B2)

We are happy to check your admission free of charge and without obligation. Feel free to contact us by e-mail or telephone +49 (0) 89 / 45 35 218-0.

Tuition fees and financing

The tuition fees are 9850 €.

Tuition fees can be paid monthly or per semester.

There are numerous ways to finance your studies. The simplest variant of study financing is the part-time study. Here
you work alongside your studies and earn money to finance the tuition fees.

In addition, a number of public and private financing options can be used.

We are happy to advise you in detail and individually on the subject of financing your studies.

FAQ: Frequently asked questions

What exams are required?

As a rule, the focus is on a practical work (project, case study, etc.)  including a written assignment. Typical forms of examination are presentation,  documentation (e.B.  Learning portfolio), the report, the term paper or the project portfolio and reflective journal.

If you are studying part-time, we make sure that you can relate to your professional practice. In addition, your personal commitments will of course be taken into account in the extent of your written work.

Does a Master’s degree entitle me to take up a doctorate?

Yes, after successfully completing the Master’s degree in Project Studies , you can start your studies as a Doctor of Business Administration (DBA).

You find the FAQs here.