Junge Frau schreit in ein Megafon, Marketing studieren an der TRIAGON Akademie

Study flexibly and work alongside your bachelor’s degree in marketing

Degree: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Business Management – Marketing

Applications open for summer 2024

  • 3 years of study
  • Study flexibly while working
  • No numerus clausus
  • Internationally recognized Bachelor
  • Industry experts as lecturers
  • Practical relevance to multiple careers
  • Follow up with a 1 year Master’s degree

With our undergraduate bachelor’s programs, we address those interested who meet the formal entry requirements and want to study a degree from scratch.

The advantages of the block format and the serial structure of the course make it possible to concentrate on one module at a time. This focus with the virtual face-to-face principle provides optimal conditions for those who want to combine their studies with professional commitments.

This bachelor’s program was developed according to current professional standards and covers all relevant aspects of marketing and management. We give particular importance to graduate competence. During the virtual face-to-face phases, work is mainly carried out on specific practical tasks and on complex case studies.

Are you passionate about marketing and advertising? Do you find advertising psychology exciting? Are you no stranger to the customer journey and online marketing is your world? Then the marketing degree program is just right for you!

Due to digitalization, companies today depend on professionals who are proficient in online media. Companies of all kinds are looking for creative and analytically talented people like you who are passionate about online marketing. Of course, classic marketing is also part of your success because the linking of online and offline marketing is a challenge. Is this exactly your career direction? Do you already have professional experience in marketing, online marketing, media or in the commercial sector? Then you can even shorten your study time.  Start now! You can also study part-time with us thanks to our approach to teaching and learning.

Brief profile of the Marketing program

Degree: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Business Management – Marketing
Duration: 6 semesters (3 years)
European Credit Transfer: 180 ECTS points
Study Model: Full-time – can be combined with professional activity / dual study
Format: Online studies with e-learning and virtual face-to-face webinars via our learning platform
Focus Areas: Offline & online marketing, advertising psychology, strategic marketing, market research, cross-media, marketing management
Service Study Centers Locations: Ismaning (near Munich), Berlin, Unna (near Dortmund), Vienna, Hamburg, Mannheim, Frankfurt am Main
Accreditation: Accredited by the MFHEA
Tuition: € 9,980 (total; flexible payment models possible)
Further Study: Master’s Leadership and Strategic Management (M.Sc.) / Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Marketing: what is it about?

Your three-year bachelor’s degree covers online and classic marketing. In exciting individual and group projects, you can practically deepen your knowledge during your studies and thus become a real marketing expert.
Theory, methods and instruments from the areas of offline & online marketing, strategic marketing and market research form your knowledge base.

The goal: You will develop yourself further in the areas that will bring you future success

Important topics in marketing studies are above all:

  • Marketing management & media management
  • Digital marketing with search engine optimization, search engine advertising, social media marketing, online advertising, web analytics, e-commerce & online shopping, content marketing and mobile marketing
  • Customer journey analysis
  • Market research
  • Advertising psychology
  • Marketing mix
  • Marketing Analytics
  • Cross Media Marketing

Expert Opinion

“We’ll pick you up from where you are! By working on your own projects and participating in our expert workshops, you’ll learn exactly what you really need.”
  Prof. Dr. Karl Peter Fischer


Expert Opinion

“We’ll pick you up from where you are! By working on your own projects and participating in our expert workshops, you’ll learn exactly what you really need.”
Prof. Dr. Karl Peter Fischer

Recognition and Accreditation of the Study Programme

Triagon is a Higher Education Institution with international accreditation. Our institution meets the European Standards and Guidelines (ESG).

This has been confirmed by the distinguished German accreditation agency ACQUIN, which is a full member of EQAR. The programme accreditation and the institutional accreditation were granted in full and without any conditions.

In addition, all degree programmes are accredited by the Malta Further and Higher Education Authority (MFHEA), at levels 6 (Bachelor), 7 (Master) and 8 (Doctorate) of the Malta Qualifications Framework (MQF) and the European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning (EQF) respectively.

All Triagon degrees are internationally recognised and strictly adhere to the standards and requirements for higher education laid out in the Bologna Process. All study programmes offered by Triagon enable students to pursue further studies (e.g. a Master's degree or a doctorate) on an international level.

Your bachelor’s degree with the perfect mix of online and on campus!

What awaits you:

  • Online learning platform for self-study
  • Virtual face-to-face seminars on the weekend
  • Expert online workshops
  • Case study-based learning
  • Own project work

Questions? Then contact our student advisory service – we will be happy to help!

You can easily complete our studies alongside your job. Whether or not you work during your studies is up to you and is not relevant for your enrollment.

Example schedule for the third academic year “Study Marketing in virtual face-to-face Learning Format” 

Outstanding features of our innovative learning concept

Full recognition of professional achievements:
Professional experience is explicitly encouraged. With suitable vocational qualifications you can shorten from 3 to only 1 year of study.

Study flexibly alongside your job:
The enormous flexibility of the online study program allows you to study while working or dual studies including transferring knowledge into practice.

Advantages of virtual face-to-face studies:
At TRIAGON Academy, you study in the virtual face-to-face learning format. Here the specific advantages of online asynchronous studies (independent of time and location) are combined with live virtual exchanges. 

Multimedia materials for all learning types:
The multimedia learning materials on the learning platform (video lectures, online tutorials, online tests, lecture slides set to music, PDF guides) enable you to learn efficiently, as the materials and methods connect with all learning styles.

Improved learning progress by studying in a block model:
You first complete one course module before the next module starts. This allows you to focus on one subject area at a time.

Case study-based learning for increased applied competence:
Our approach to project-based learning is characterized by a pronounced practical orientation of the course content. We offer you the opportunity to link study and project work with your profession / workplace.

Click to learn more about the TRIAGON study concept .

Content & Design

The concept of project-based learning gives you the opportunity to set individual priorities in your bachelor’s degree. You help decide which topics and questions to dive deeper into your project work.

This full qualification is only one of the various specialisations which are on offer as part of the core programme Bachelor of Science (BSc) in  Business Management.

Your modules in the B.Sc. Business Management:

0. Overall Course Objectives


By the end of this course, students are expected to demonstrate advanced knowledge in the field of Business Management involving a critical understanding of the theories and principles underpinning the course. Knowledge gained will entail:

  • Knowledge that builds upon advanced work or studies involving a critical general education and typically includes understanding of theoretical aspects that is at the forefront of Business Management and in the chosen specialisations;
  • The understanding and evaluation of a wide range of theories and conceptual frameworks from the major disciplines relevant to Business Management;
  • Analysis general Business Management related areas of study as well as the more specialised and contemporary issues including entrepreneurship, leadership, innovation, sustainability, governance, ethics, diversity and globalisation;
  • Explanation of how management procedures and processes allow for effective decision-making against different objectives;
  • Assessing the impact of the external environment (national and international) in the context of Business Management, including economic, ethical, legal, political, sociological and technological influences;
  • Analysis of contemporary business management issues and formulate solutions to identified problems in a clear and coherent research plan


Students are expected to acquire advanced skills demonstrating mastery and innovation required to solve complex and unpredictable problems in the field of business management. Skills acquisition include:

  • Produce and analyse appropriate information from a variety of sources. Specifically, to use IT to access sources of information and to work with discipline based software programmes;
  • Conduct general business analysis using a variety of theoretical tools;
  • Search, handle and interpret relevant information in the analysis of the operations of modern business environments;
  • Communicate complex ideas, principles, theories and analysis through visual, written and oral expositions;
  • Design, plan organise and deliver an individual research project and demonstrate knowledge of appropriate business research methodology;
  • Gain real world business experience and apply developed skills for the purpose of future career planning.
  • Develop personal skills including skills in study, problem-solving, working with others, independent learning, self-awareness, self-management, self-presentation and decision-making;
  • Interpret and critically analyse business problems in order to produce solutions which demonstrate an evaluation of the impact of ethical issues and cultural diversity;


By the end of the course students will be able to

  • demonstrate competencies in administrative design, resource and team management and present responsiblity for work contexts that are unpredictable and require that complex problems are solved;
  • show creativity and initiative in developing projects in management processes, manage and train people to develop team performance
  • manage complex professional activities or projects;
  • take responsibility for decision-making in unpredictable work or study contexts;
  • take responsibility for managing professional development of individuals and groups
  • use those learning skills that are necessary to continue to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy

1. Introduction to modern Management

Business management is becoming increasingly complex due to the ever changing nature of the job environment. What this implies is the need for managers to be equipped with the key state of the art knowledge about managing especially in a complex environment.
This course seeks to enable participants to understand and appreciate the role of management in modern business environments, and to assess how they affect the overall performance of organizations.

Assessment: Written Report (100%)

2. Human Resources Management

The success of an organization depends on the capacities and capabilities of its personnel. Unless an organization devotes enough resources on the development of its human resource, it would not get the required output from its personnel. The quality of the organization‘s employees, their enthusiasm and satisfaction with their jobs, and their sense of fair treatment all impact the firm’s productivity, level of customer service, reputation, and survival.

Assessment: Group Work (100%)

3. Accounting & Finance

Any organization that deals with money or money’s worth needs to record every transaction that it enters into. Finance is the analysis of decision problems involving the allocation of resources over time in a world of uncertainty. It encompasses all business enterprises. To understand finance, you must know about the entire business, indeed the entire economy. This course gives a complete understanding, including preparation and analysis of financial statements and basic legal and planning elements used in practical international tax planning.

Assessment: Written examination based on key criteria and relevant concepts, within 3 hours

4. Economics

Economics, as the study of choice under scarcity, is important to each of us, whether we study it formally or not. Knowledge of basic economics drives an understanding of the behavior of all economic agents and how the economy as a whole works. This course is an introduction to the principles of economics. In this course, you will learn how these ways of thinking can help you to see the world with fresh insight. You will see new perspectives on the important public policy issues of our day. You will also see how you can make better informed choices about your own business life. The object will not be to memorize a set of conclusions, but rather to learn ways of approaching the problems of the material world.

Assessment: Written examination based on key criteria and relevant concepts, within 3 hours

5. Business Mathematics

Current demands of the world of business has made it critical for firms to analyse huge sums of data and further make institutional decisions based on them. What this implies for educational institutions is that students would need not just to appreciate the relevance of big data to organizations, but to also practically received a hands-on training in that regard. This course is designed to equip students with the necessary skills in quantitative data analysis in the field of business and statistics. This course enables students to analyze complex situations using figures.

Assessment: Written examination based on key criteria and relevant concepts, within 3 hours

6. Organizational Design & Change Management

This module is developed to enable students to appreciate the relevance of change within organizations due to the dynamics of the external environment businesses will have to deal with. The module further equips students with the necessary skills in creating an organizational atmosphere that is enabling enough to accomplish organizational goals and objectives. Furthermore, the module also seeks to bring to the awareness of students, how organizational designs are key to determining overall organizational success.

Assessment: Project paper (100%) based on relevant organisational projects and cases. A 4000 – 5000 words report is required

7. Marketing

Every organizations sells or buys in one form or another. Thus marketing serves as an integral part of the core business of every organization. This module is designed to enable students develop a marketing perspective towards organizational processes and further appreciate the role customers play in the longevity of every organization

Assessment: Research Paper (60%) 3000 – 3500 words, Presentation 15 Mins (40%)

8. Communication and Presentation

Communication is considered as a key factors in determining several organizational outcomes. Right from how a vision is communicated, how plans are decided on and how employees are motivated, communication plays a very key role. The purpose of this module is to equip students with the required communication skills and competence to carefully understand how several cues affects overall corporate presentations.

Assessment: Group Work (60%), Presentation 15 Mins (40%).

9. Managerial Accounting & Controlling

Management Accounting seeks to establish value for the organization by way of managing resources, activities and individuals to achieve the organization’s goals. Management accounting systems can be effective tools that will be used in providing information that is needful in making decisions at all levels in the organization. This course offers an introduction to the basics of management accounting. Topics include cost accounting terminology, job costing, process costing, activity-based costing, activity-based management, cost-volume-profit analysis, budgeting, standard costing, variance analysis, responsibility accounting, variable costing, transfer pricing, and decision making.

Assessment: Written examination (100%) based on key criteria and relevant concepts, within 3 hours

10. Business Law

Rules of law govern many aspects of business. A deep understanding of legal rules and ethics provide a framework for making accurate business decisions, speeds up commercial transactions, and enhances order in the marketplace. This course focuses on the organization and operation of the European legal system, legal rules and ethical constraints that impact business, and the practical application of these rules and constraints to real-world situations. Emphasis lies on analytical problem solving and ethical decision-making.

Assessment: Written examination based on key criteria and relevant concepts, within 2hours

11. Organizational Behavior

The field of organizational behavior (OB) is about understanding how people and groups in organizations behave, react, and interpret events. It also describes the role of organizational systems, structures, and processes in shaping behavior, and explains how organizations really work. OB provides a foundation for the effective management of people in organizations. Because it explains how organizations work from individual motivation to team dynamics to organizational structure, knowing about OB is essential to being effective at all organizational levels. Because an organization’s people are responsible for gaining and keeping a competitive advantage, understanding how to mobilize and motivate employees is critical to organizational performance. Businesses excel when employees understand how their behaviors influence an organization’s performance and enable strategy execution, and when they are led effectively and are motivated to do their best. Understanding and practicing OB concepts is critical to understanding organizations and gives individuals, managers, and organizations the skills and tools they need to be effective.

Assessment: Group Work (100%)

12. Taxation

This course examines tax principles with specific application to business tax planning and operations. The course will examine tax effects resulting from formation, operation, and liquidation of a corporation. Topics include tax deductions and credits, tax deferral, income splitting. Capital gains and losses, investments, charitable donations, collections, tax for employees, self-employment, automobile deductions, corporate taxes, business taxes. With examples, instructions and current business financial information and data, students will manifest through discussions and practical tasks, their ability to comprehend and apply the basic concepts and principles required to evaluate, and implement effective general tax planning techniques as part of an overall business plan.

Assessment: Written examination (100%) based on key criteria and relevant concepts, within 3 hours

13. Work Related Learning in Management I

The module enables students to undertake an appropriate period of professional activity, related to their course at level 6, with a business or community organization and to gain credit for their achievements. The activity can be a professional training, volunteering activity, employment activity, placement, or business start-up activity.

It is expected student should demonstrate 240 learning hours which should be recorded clearly (in a learning log for instance) in the portfolio. The 240 hours can be completed in 40 working days in a full time mode.

Students should register with the module leader to be briefed on the module, undergo induction and work related learning planning and to have the Work Related Learning plan approved before taking up the opportunity. It is essential that students are made aware that both the “Work Related Learning agreement” and relevant “health and safety checklist” where applicable need to be approved before starting the placement. Please note that “health and safety checklist” is relevant if students carry out learning activities externally.

Assessment: Learning portfolio with evidence: The portfolio (3500 words)-75%, Presentation-25%

14. Strategic Management

Great business are built and established based on pragmatic ideas and concepts that shapes the life of the organization right from the onset. Such ideas need not just look at the present but assess issues from a long term perspective. This module has been designed to enable students have a more strategic view towards organizational issues and hence be able develop managerial objectives that shape the directions of organizations.

Assessment: Group Work (100%)

15. Leadership & Ethics

Leadership as an organizational concept has received much attention both in theory and practice. This is because everything rises or falls based on leadership. Ethics on the other hand serves as the behavior that carves and expresses good or bad leadership. This module has been designed to enable students appreciate the various theories or perspectives of leadership and thereby appreciating how these affects employee outcomes. The module further trains students to ascertain the relevance of ethics in the world of business and how it affects organizational outcomes.

Assessment: Project Report (100%) on relevant organisational projects with 4000 – 5000 words.

16. Corporate Culture and Team Development

The course aims to provide insight into and understanding of the importance of culture and team development in organizations, as a theoretical concept and empirical phenomenon.

For some time, it has been recognized that cultures, or at least cultural phenomena, develop in organizations. These cultures significantly affect the ways organizations work, and the ways work is carried out in organizations and in teams. In the course, students learn to use and understand important cultural perspectives, concepts and analytical tools as well as the dynamics of team development.

Assessment: Group Work (100%)

17. Work Related Learning in Management II

The module enables students to undertake an appropriate period of professional activity, related to their course at level 6, with a business or community organization and to gain credit for their achievements. The activity can be a professional training, volunteering activity, employment activity, placement, or business start-up activity.

It is expected student should demonstrate 240 learning hours which should be recorded clearly (in a learning log for instance) in the portfolio. The 240 hours can be completed in 40 working days in a full time mode.

Students should register with the module leader to be briefed on the module, undergo induction and work related learning planning and to have the Work Related Learning plan approved before taking up the opportunity. It is essential that students are made aware that both the “Work Related Learning agreement” and relevant “health and safety checklist” where applicable need to be approved before starting the placement. Please note that “health and safety checklist” is relevant if students carry out learning activities externally

Assessment: Learning Portfolio 5000 words, Presentation 15 Mins

18. Case Studies in Applied Management – Diversity Management

A critical component in the contemporary organization requires leaders to exhibit exceptional leadership and management skills. A diverse workforce contributes to the complexity of every organization. Organizational leaders are also expected to effectively manage this diversity using the best evidence available. This course will introduce participants to a variety of organizations, methods, and processes that have demonstrated best practices in recruiting and retaining a diverse workforce. These will include Diversity Management practices that are effective at meeting the needs of clients, employees, managers, and the organization.

Assessment: Group Work (100%)

19. Project Management – Critical Thinking & Academic Writing

Everyday life displays some rich dynamics within which we try to think things through to logical conclusions; distinguish between solid arguments on the one hand and stupid ones on the other; determine the value of claims and thoughtfully construct arguments to present to others in a variety of conversational situations. This course provides instruction and practice in written inquiry and critical thinking. It introduces writing as a way of developing, exploring, and testing ideas. The course also orients students to informational literacy, the writing center, and writing technologies.

Assessment: Group Work (100%)

20. Specialisation Areas

Market and Advertising Psychology

Psychology in advertising has long been used as an effective means to sell a product or service. Understanding the underlying concepts that affect human psychology can help a company better sell their product or alternatively can help a consumer understand marketing strategies that get them to buy products. Advertising is ubiquitous and powerful force, seducing us into buying wanted and sometimes unwanted products and services, donating to charity (even to causes we have not heard of before), voting for political candidates (even of questionable reputation), and changing our health-related lifestyles for better or worse. The impact of advertising is often subtle and implicit, but sometimes blatant and impossible to overlook.

Assessment: Written examination (100%) based on key criteria and relevant concepts, within 3hours

Strategic Marketing

The present day strategic orientation to marketing has evolved through multiple stages. In strategic marketing the dynamism can only be maintained by proactive approach to strategic thinking. This calls for using systems and methods, which can enhance the responsiveness of the firm to its stakeholders. The crux of effective marketing action is contingent upon continuous and real-time planning, analysis, implementation and control. The hallmark of strategic marketing, therefore, is proactive and future oriented strategic stance. This module attempts to sensitize participants towards the proactive thinking, dynamism and action orientation of strategic marketing. It will provide insights into the models and methods employed by organizations worldwide to generate sustainable competitive advantage. This course examines key theories within the field of market oriented and strategic marketing. Issues such as analysing marketing opportunities, developing marketing strategies, enhancing marketing decision making process, managing and delivering marketing programmes will be analysed from various organisational perspectives.

Assessment: Written examination (100%) based on key criteria and relevant concepts, within 3hours

Market Research and Image Analysis

Marketing Research, is based on a proactive approach to the management of marketing information and the application of that information to marketing decisions. At its best, marketing research can provide you with valuable insights concerning markets, customers, products, and business strategy. Done incorrectly, marketing research can provide the decision maker with a false sense of validity and integrity, leading to misguided and costly decisions. As a marketer, you are required to evaluate the worth of marketing research information as you make decisions. In some instances you will collect information yourself and in other instances you will require professional marketing research services to collect the data for you. Thus, it is necessary for you to be able to distinguish good research from bad research and to guide high-quality research efforts of others. This course teaches you how to evaluate research as well as how to do it. You will learn by doing – by applying what you learn to practical situations.

Assessment: Research Paper (60%) with 3000 – 3500 words and a Presentation (40%)

21. Business Research Methods

Research methods enables individuals to appreciate the world we find ourselves in by understanding situations and how they come by. This module has been developed to equip students with practical research skills, develop their quantitative and qualitative analytical skills as well as appreciate the role of theory in our modern world. The module is also designed to enable students determine how hypotheses are formed and how proper data collection affects the findings of a particular project.

Assessment: Project Report (100%) on relevant organisational projects and cases with 4000 – 5000 words

22. Dissertation in Management

The module is framed in terms of a dissertation. The student undertakes an enquiry into a topic of his or her own choice and, based on this enquiry, develops an extended critical study. The module involves individual supervision designed to support the student’s ambitions and confidence in becoming an independent learner, building on techniques and knowledge developed in previous years, and providing scope for initiative and development. The dissertation demonstrates the student’s ability to thoroughly research a topic, use appropriate methods of investigation, and work methodically and productively.

The subject matter of the dissertation can be practical, theoretical, technical, or historical, should be closely related to the student’s main field of study and be complimentary to their practice. Students may develop their topic independently or, as an option, within a specific dissertation Interest or Subject Group.

Assessment: Part draft dissertation (Presentation) 15 min./ dissertation with a minimum of 12,000 words

Service Study locations

Triagon delivery model is based on virtual face-to-face approach. Despite its remote teaching and learning methods, Triagon Academy offers academic and student support services in a number of its Service Study Centers. These locations locations are strategically distributed throughout the GAS region and thus enable optimal access to student support regardless of where you live. The main Service Study Center is in Malta; however there are a number of other centers in Germany, Bavaria, namely: North Rhine-Westphalia; Berlin, Hamburg; Hesse and Baden-Württemberg.

Our Study Service Centers have free WiFi , modern multimedia equipment , bright tutorial rooms for individual or small to medium-sized group tutorials, and some have their own catering and accommodation options.

Target group and personal requirements

Have you completed vocational training related to communication, advertising, management or multimedia? Then you even have the opportunity to shorten your bachelor’s degree in marketing!

If you have a different professional qualification or other professional experience, simply contact us – we will advise you individually.

The Triagon Academy offers you a flexible study model that takes many life situations into account. For example:

These qualities are helpful when studying at Triagon:

  • Media affinity
  • Passion for marketing and online advertising
  • Good communication skills; written and oral
  • Sales and marketing talent
  • Business administration skills
  • analytical mindset
  • good English knowledge

Professional profile of marketing manager

Where do marketing managers work?

Marketing experts can be found in many areas and industries. Many marketing managers work in management, marketing communications, and advertising. After completing your studies, you can work for a wide variety of employers.

Typical occupational fields and jobs in online and offline marketing are:

  • Advertising agencies
  • Media agencies
  • Event agencies
  • Online Marketing Agencies
  • PR agencies
  • Online editorial offices
  • Industrial company
  • Non-profit company
  • Television companies
  • Radio stations
  • Publishers
  • Newspapers
  • License trading


What tasks do marketing managers take on?

Just like the broad field of employers, the tasks after graduation are also varied. Our graduates are offered a broad and interesting field of activity relating to the subject of marketing & communication.

Typical tasks after graduation are:

  • Analysis of the marketing opportunities of a campaign
  • Planning, research and organization of marketing campaigns
  • Public Relations and Public Relations
  • Media coordination, planning and management
  • Media advice
  • Marketing management
  • International marketing
  • Distribution / Sales
  • Analysis of the media impact of a marketing campaign
  • Competition and market analysis
  • Press work
  • Creation of social media concepts
  • Planning and implementation of online marketing concepts
  • Prepare and give presentations for trade fairs
  • Communication policy


What are the future prospects for marketing graduates?

Digitization has a firm grip on the economy. Today, a great many marketing channels of the most important companies run through new and digital media. The dovetailing of the classic marketing mix with online marketing has become an important factor. For this reason, experts in marketing have very good career prospects! With a degree in marketing, you are a sought-after specialist and many new roles are open to you.

What do Marketing Graduates earn?

On average, marketing managers with a few years of professional experience have a gross monthly income of around 3,600 euros. But gross salaries of 5,000 euros or more are also possible. Factors such as work experience, age, position, and the size of the company have an impact on the level of income.

Admission requirements

Applicants must satisfy the General Entry Requirements for admission, namely, the Matriculation Certificate and Secondary Education Certificate passes at Grade 5 or better in English Language and Mathematics. Students must also produce evidence of language proficiency at a B2 level referred to CEFR in the language of instruction.

If students do not fulfil all the requirements they can take additional preparatory courses.

We will also check your possible admission without obligation and free of charge. Contact us by email info@triagon.mt or phone +356 77780806.


Tuition and Funding

The monthly costs (with 36 installments) amount to € 250 (plus registration and examination fees). The entire course costs € 9,980, which is significantly lower than the costs of other private universities.

FAQs: Frequently asked questions